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Posted: June 1st, 2005, 5:46 pm
by NightHawk
please if you have any info type back

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 6:23 pm
by Drofder2004
Well. Lets start with the problems with your Pc first.


Now onto other problems.

Use a sensible title... such as
"What is a DC file".

Then in the subject field, that is where you describe your problem.

K, on to the problem in hand.

A DC file. What is this DC file associated with, why do you get the problem with this DC file? What has the DC file got to do with Call of Duty?


Maybe if you were more descriptive and less anxious you might get an answer that would help.

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 6:51 pm
by Striker
dc-file - Standard extractable documentation


This manual page describes the format of the standard extractable documentation that is required for all IA3 modules, i.e., procedures, subroutines, functions, Calibration files, SEDs, etc.
The documentation can be extracted by a general purpose file extractor xfile (see xfile.dc1 ) which is available in $UTL_SRC.

For xfile and CoCo to recognized such an extractable part in any file, the documentation must be surrounded by tags on a separate line.

The tag which defines the start of the extractable documentation part is defined as follows:

[flag]#> filename.ext

The optional flag can be any (zero, one or two) character(s) and will normally signify a comment, e.g., `#' for the Perl and Shell programming language, `C' for FORTRAN, `;' for IDL, etc.

The filename.ext will be used as the name of the output file. If this file already exist, it will be overwritten without warning.

The tag which defines the end of the extractable documentation part is defined as follows:


The optional flag must be the same as for the starting tag.

All lines between these two tags must start with the flag . Lines that do not start with flag will simply be skipped and will not appear in the output. The flag itself will not be copied to the output file.

So far so good, extractable documentation is recognized by the tags. A few examples may clarify this. The following part is an example for the Perl programming language:

##> split_lines.dc5
#Identifier SplitLines
#Purpose Split large file into pieces
#History 0.1 25.09.95 ++rh Documentation and first implementation

The next part is an example for the IDL programming language:

;#> split_lines.dc5
;Identifier SplitLines
;Purpose Split large file into pieces
;History 0.1 25.09.95 ++rh Documentation and first implementation

The IA3 programming standards also define the format of all extractable documentation. This format is described in section 4 of the IA3 Programmer Manual (ISO 94-48). This manual page only describes the most important items. For a full description, refer to the authoritative documentation.

Keywords are case insensitive and mandatory. If a keyword is not appropriate in the current context, fill in a few dashes `--' as input.

Inputs for a keyword must not start before column 16 and may not exceed column 80. For most keywords a multiline input is allowed, possibly separated by one or more blank lines.

Between successive keywords, there must be a blank line, which must of course contain the flag character.

There may not be a blank line before the first keyword and after the last keyword.

TAB characters will be automatically converted to 8 spaces.

There may be more than one extractable documentation part in a single file. All separate parts will automatically be extracted and written in the specified output files.

*You might find the answer in there*

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 10:23 pm
by Drofder2004
Striker wrote:*You might find the answer in there*
Or die trying? :P

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 10:35 am
by [SoE]_Zaitsev
It's better then nothing at all :P

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 12:37 pm
by Striker
loOol ye. all that info came from my ed ! oh so u dont beleive me uh! :D

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 1:11 pm
by <LT>YosemiteSam[NL]
I'll use that post as a bedtimestory.....makes you fall asleep real quick :wink:

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 6:04 pm
by [SoE]_Zaitsev

Posted: June 3rd, 2005, 3:12 pm
by =(LF)= KnakWorst
If someone post something very big, i don't even bother reading it :P

Posted: June 3rd, 2005, 5:15 pm
by <LT>YosemiteSam[NL]
I'll read it if it iterests me and this clearly doesn't.

Posted: June 3rd, 2005, 6:01 pm
by =(LF)= KnakWorst
Lol, that's what i meant.

Posted: June 3rd, 2005, 6:26 pm
by Pedsdude
hehe, you typed all of that out strider? :shock: :)

Posted: June 5th, 2005, 5:52 pm
by [SoE]_Zaitsev
I doubt that :roll:

Posted: June 6th, 2005, 8:30 am
by <LT>YosemiteSam[NL]
Ctr-C, Ctr-V :wink:

Posted: June 6th, 2005, 5:51 pm
by Pedsdude
That's what I was thinking lol