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CJ Wannabe
CJ Wannabe
Posts: 9
Joined: August 18th, 2014, 1:41 am


Post by Ridgepig » August 18th, 2014, 1:47 am

Hey all,

I've been wanting to add a HUD to a spectator's screen that differs per player that he is spectating.
Let's just say a HUD with their clientNum.

Now, I wanted to use self.spectatorClient, but them fellows over at IW decided to make that write-only (what purpose does this have, if anyone can enlighten me)


So now I need a viable method of doing this. I was thinking of creating my own spectatorListener (listening to the buttons, and editing spectatingClientNum accordingly), but I first wanted to know whether there was already some kind of built-in feature to support this; like what I initially thought could be done with self.spectatorClient


CJ Wannabe
CJ Wannabe
Posts: 8
Joined: April 23rd, 2013, 7:14 am

Re: self.spectatorClient

Post by BurntToast » September 7th, 2014, 1:43 am

Tried something similar a month ago, although was instead for a hud element to display the amount of players spectating a person. Works if each player joins one after another, but on map change the self.spectatorClient order would change for unknown reasons.

Code: Select all

	level thread onPlayerConnect(); 
	for( ;; ) 
		level waittill( "connecting", player ); 
		player thread spectatorCheck();
		player thread spectatorMonitor();

    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self waittill( "spawned_player" );
    self.spectators = addTextHud( self, 50, 248, 1, "center", "middle", 1.4, 884 );
    for( ;; )
        self.spectators setText( spectatingPlayerList( self ) );
        wait 0.05;
    self endon( "disconnect" );
    self endon( "spawned_player" );
    self.spectatorNum = -1;
    self.spectatorClient = -1;
    self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
    for( ;; )
        if( self attackButtonPressed() )
            if( self.spectatorNum >= level.players.size )
                self.spectatorNum = 0;
                self spectatorMonitorFunc( 1 );
                self spectatorMonitorFunc( 1 );
            iPrintLnBold( self.spectatorNum );
        else if( self adsButtonPressed() )
            if( self.spectatorNum <= 0 )
                self.spectatorNum = level.players.size;
                self spectatorMonitorFunc( -1 );
                self spectatorMonitorFunc( -1 );
            iPrintLnBold( self.spectatorNum );
        else if( self meleeButtonPressed() ) //reset for free spectate
            self.spectatorNum = -1;
            self.spectatorClient = -1;
        wait 0.05;
spectatorMonitorFunc( direction )
    while( level.players[self.spectatorNum].sessionstate == "spectator" ) //can't spectate spectators
        self.spectatorNum += direction;
    self.spectatorClient = self.spectatorNum;
spectatingPlayerList( sPlayer )
    list = "";
    for( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
        if( level.players[i] getEntityNumber() == sPlayer getEntityNumber() )
            self.playerNum = i;
    for( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
        if( level.players[i].spectatorNum == self.playerNum )
            list += level.players[i].name + " ";
    return list;
addTextHud( who, x, y, alpha, alignX, alignY, fontScale, sort )
    hud = newClientHudElem( who );
    hud.x = x;
    hud.y = y;
    hud fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
    hud.alpha = alpha;
    hud.alignX = alignX;
    hud.alignY = alignY;
    hud.fontScale = fontScale;
    hud.sort = sort;
    return hud;

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