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I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 5th, 2011, 11:03 pm
by Tiffyboy

i just started making videos, recording, editing and everything. And now I got a question. Everybody is talking about a cfg you need for making videos. I downloaded matty's cfg like mentioned it the tutorial. I copyed it into the player folder and replaced the old cfg with the mattyvideocfg config. When I am watching the demo it happens nothing. What am I doing wrong or what did I forget to do.

Greetz and thank you ! Tiffy

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 5th, 2011, 11:14 pm
by F |Madness| U
Don't change or delete any of the configs in the players folder!

Firstly go into CoD4/Players/YourName and copy and paste config_mp.cfg for backup.

Next download mattys config, rename it to whatever (I recommend something like "movie.cfg").

Put this renamed file into CoD4/Main.

Open up CoD4, do /devmap mp_shipment;disconnect.

Then /demo DemoName;exec movie.cfg.

Hope that helps.

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 1:39 am
by H0mie
many commands and settings in movie configs are u cant fully use em on servers wher pb is running.

in order to gain all movie tweaks in the cfg do as mentioned -> /devmap [MAP]

when u want to record some jumpstuff go like this:

start the mod -> devmap mp_backlot (the mode will change to the selected jumpmod) -> /devmap [the map on which u want to record]

thats how i do it and it perfectly works

some might say u only have to do /devmap...once but then it still blocks some tweaks like /cg_draw2d

here is a short raw clip of my cfg....enjoy

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 12:23 pm
by Tiffyboy
Hey thanks for your help. Actually i wanted to record stuff from promod servers online. So there i cant use cheats/the whole config. But is there a way to change the crosshair, the sky and things like that during the editing or watching the demo ?

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 12:40 pm
by Hoogie
Tiffyboy wrote:Hey thanks for your help. Actually i wanted to record stuff from promod servers online. So there i cant use cheats/the whole config. But is there a way to change the crosshair, the sky and things like that during the editing or watching the demo ?
/record in the server. Then play the demo back in devmap and you can use the whole config. I wouldn't recommend making a movie from public frags tough but that's up to you.

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 1:14 pm
by Tiffyboy
Ok so if i understood that right load /devmap mp_whatever -> then /demo demoname -> /cl_avidemo 25 ... for whole config :idea:

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 4:27 pm
by H0mie
i wouldnt recommend going /cl_avidemo 25
the clip will turn out very laggy cause of the little fps and ur not able to do clean slowmos

go /cl_avidemo 200 or some like that but cod only goes till the 9999th screenshot

if u got long clips u want to record do it with fraps on 50fps and slow down ur demo using /timescale .25 so u got good fps

the created files are uncompressed and for that very big.....need tons of space in ur hard drive

Re: I Dont know how to use Matty's Video cfg -.-

Posted: March 6th, 2011, 9:21 pm
by Hoogie
What's your actual question here?