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Tricky nadejump on toujane after patch

Posted: April 19th, 2010, 12:06 am
by KoBron83
The demo Toujane_nadejump_2 is supposedly only possible without the patch, but there's actually a way to make it past the death barrier. For some reason, the death barrier is not actually on the roof itself, but it's a little bit above it. So, if you purposefully time the nadejump too early you might live because your feet will just barely get high enough to make the roof without going so high as to hit the death barrier.

I've only seen this done on xbox, but you guys can try it on pc and see if it works. Noobs will like this one since it takes a badly timed nadejump to make it. :P

Re: Tricky nadejump on toujane after patch

Posted: April 19th, 2010, 1:38 pm
by [SoE]_Zaitsev
Yeh it works. Got sent a demo many many months ago. Pretty tricky though.