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Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 3:49 pm
by Rezil
Louw wrote:if i would have shown the bounce glitch the first day to many peaple there would be many more pple claiming they found the bounce glitch and i wouldnt have 170000 vieuws on the movie =D

im not selfish im actually thinking be4 i do someting
So that's all you care about, getting views and taking credit for yourself? That, my firend, is the very definition of selfish.

Ah, Drofder beat me to it. :P

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 3:55 pm
by [SoE]_Zaitsev
Thing is, he discovered the glitch, so he wants to keep it from the public or else other people claim credit for finding it. I understand and that's not selfish. I know many people would do the same, I know I would.

What is selfish is the fact to find as many jumps as possible before releasing this glitch without anyone apart of Louw (And Atze, but he doesn't count) knowing.

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 4:02 pm
by Drofder2004
[SoE]_Zaitsev wrote:Thing is, he discovered the glitch, so he wants to keep it from the public or else other people claim credit for finding it.
So by releasing it, he can not claim knowledge of it?

Then how will he EVER get credit? To get credit for things, you must show proof. To show proof you must first prove its existence. To prove its existence, he must post how it is done. There is nothing more in this post but hype and personal gain.

If he didnt want anyone to claim credit, he wouldn't have started this topic until the glitch video was ready. he posted this video so HE could get some personal clapping in his direction before he posted the video.

If Louw discovered the cure for cancer, he would make sure he personally cured 3 people before he told anybody how to produce the cure themselves...

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by [SoE]_Zaitsev
And he will proof it once he releases it today.

But I agree for 100% on your post Drofder.

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 4:33 pm
by Louw
lol drof, if i made it public by now there would be many jumps i found allready on the site be4 atze releases the movie, so i do /care if u think im sellfish

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 4:48 pm
by atze<3
Drofder2004 wrote:how YOU could benefit the most.
such is life!
i knew some1 would start the same pointless discussion like in the bounce glitch thread... i also was very sure it is you drofder :(
next time louw should make a topic when everything is done...

b2t, i just came home and watching/recording louws demos now

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 6:13 pm
by matt101harris
well tbh if i found some intense jump or thing watever they found :D i wouldnt go telling everyone and let them take the credit :D. Then again as if atze and louw arent legendary enough 8)

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 8:54 pm
by BlueDamselfly
this topic is pointless, its like people who does preview for their 5 mins jump vid.

Next time, I'd recomand to make the topic once the vid is done.

Anyway, Nice job if you found a new way to jump, lot of new things are being found currently, such as this lag comand, so I'm happy.

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 9:01 pm
by [SoE]_Zaitsev
The chap above me explained it perfectly.

Do it like Dan did with his glitch.

Louw releasing his bounce movie, he told about it, raised our interest and we had to wait quite a few days for that movie to release. I hate that stuff. Shoo the previes, don't tell anyone and get it done.

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 9:12 pm
by Infinite
Drofder2004 wrote:

If Louw discovered the cure for cancer, he would make sure he personally cured 3 people before he told anybody how to produce the cure themselves...

which is just about the same as proving that it actually works :roll:. You remind me of that senator on the new episodes of 24 atm.

I'll admit that I was wrong before, and he is being a bit greedy, but at least he thinks before he acts. This situation is almost identical to the statgetindvar situation on CoD4 (cba to explain it from the beginning to the end unless you don't know what truly happened). Most people I know, if they found out something such as that, would abuse it and never tell anyone (if they had a brain) until it was somehow leaked and fixed. I don't see much of a difference in this situation, except he actually told us ahead of time. Another perfectly fine example is what Dan and I found about freeze jumping. We didn't tell anybody who wasn't important and we accomplished one of the hardest stacks ever done with it (out of vacant) and we got a pat on the back for it. The only difference is that Louw actually gave us a heads up on this, which I appreciate because it gives me something to look forward to.

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 10:06 pm
by Drofder2004
atze<3 wrote:
Drofder2004 wrote:how YOU could benefit the most.
next time louw should make a topic when everything is done...

b2t, i just came home and watching/recording louws demos now
Such is the truth.
If you want to keep something to yourself until you release it to the public, then fucking keep it to yourself.
Post the video when it is ready, don't post "releasing new glitch video... soon".

The reason it is always me to post, is because it seems I am the only fucking fool who still sees this place as a community forum for sharing CoDJumping related things, be it new glitches, jumps or just simply fragging.

This isn't the same as the bounce, I am sure I remember a small video of a small car bounce, maybe I am wrong...
The fact people see greedy, self-centred actions as a norm for what this site is about, is why this site is slowly failing.

Thats enough said on my part, unless someone can convince me otherwise...

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 10:35 pm
by Infinite
Drofder2004 wrote: Thats enough said on my part, unless someone can convince me otherwise...
as shown in the past, nearly no body on this forum can be convinced once they have made up their mind. no point in arguing any more since both sides of this argument clearly have a valid point as to why they believe they are right.

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 13th, 2009, 1:45 am
by Innkeeper
I'm going to agree and say that this is selfish. However, it is exactly what I would do if I find something like this so I'm not complaining lol

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 13th, 2009, 2:48 am
by WorldDomoNation
How close to finished with the video are you!?!? I'm getting very impatient! If this glitch is anything that you make it out to be then i will be very happy! Does it have anything to do with the freeze/lag glitch that Dan The Man posted?

Re: found new cod2 glitch ! :)

Posted: March 13th, 2009, 9:18 am
by Louw
nope it doesnt, atze will release it late in the evening today i think, the file will be very big so it takes alot of time uploading ^^