Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

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Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 10:23 am

I didn't seen a topic with the rcon commands for call of duty , so i will just post all commands here becose i've seen many people having problem administrating a server without minimizing cod and go to rcon tool.
If i posted in the wrong section admin please move the topic.


Rcon Login
Task Syntax Description
Login to rcon /rconpassword password It's better to store your rcon password in a game browser and not login through the console.

I'd strongly recommend that you avoid logging in to rcon through the game console. If you mistype the command you risk printing your rcon password on screen for everyone on the server to see. Game browsers like All-Seeing Eye and HLSW can store your rcon password and log you in automatically when you join your server.

General Commands & Variables
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task Syntax Description
Change server name sv_hostname "[name]" Change the server name, remember to enclose the name with quotes.
Set a server password g_password [password] Sets the password needed to join the server, to clear the password and make the server public use g_password "".
Change rcon password rconpassword [password] Allows you to change the rcon password. Once changed you will need to login with the new rcon password.
Change Map map [name] Changes to that map. Use the proper map name, ie. mp_brecourt.
Map restart map_restart Restarts round. Any gametype and round limit setting changes will take effect.
Map rotate map_rotate Loads the next map in the map rotation (if specified).
Friendly fire setfriendlyfire [0/1/2] Friendly fire off (0), on (1) or reflect damage (2).
Draw friend setdrawfriend [0/1] Draw icons above teammates.
Force respawn scr_forcerespawn [0/1] Force players to respawn, TDM and DM only.
Killcam setkillcam [0/1] Killcam off (0), on (1)
Freelook scr_freelook [0/1] Freelook off (0), on (1)
Spectate enemy scr_spectateenemy [0/1] Spectate enemy off (0), on (1)
Team balance scr_teambalance [0/1] Force team balance off (0), on (1)
Gametype g_gametype [tdm/sd/etc] Sets gametype. Requires a map_restart to take effect.
Message of the day scr_motd "[text]" Sets the message of the day text. /n = line break, but does not work.
Allow voting g_allowvote [0/1]
scr_allowvote [0/1] Allow voting. Both variables must be set to 1 to allow voting.
Status status Gives the status of all players on the server, including client id.
Private message a player by client # tell [client #] [message] Sends a private message to specified player.
Gravity g_gravity [value] Controls gravity for players. Lower = less, default 800.
Speed g_speed [value] Controls speed of movement for players. Higher = faster, default 190.
Chat via the console say [message] Messages are shown in game preceded by console:
Kill the server quit Kills the server.

Kick and Ban Commands
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task Syntax Description
Kick player by name kick [name] Kick player by name. It's better to use clientkick and kick by client id.
Kick player by client # clientkick [#] Kick player by client number.
Ban player by name banUser [name] Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
Ban player by client # banClient [#] Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt
Ban player by IP g_banIPs "[ip]" Ban player by IP address. Seperate IP addresses with spaces. This feature does not work.
Temp ban player by name tempBanUser [name] Kicks and temporarily bans player by name.
Temp ban player by client # tempBanClient [#] Kicks and temporarily bans player by client number.
Set temporary ban duration sv_kickBanTime [time] Temporary ban duration in seconds.
Unban player by name unban [name] Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.

PunkBuster Commands
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task Syntax Description
PB player list pb_sv_plist List all players on the server. Includes PB client number, GUID, IP and more.
Kick player by PB client # pb_sv_kick [#] [time] "[public reason]" "[private reason]" Kick player by PB client number. Time is measured in minutes.
Ban player by PB client # pb_sv_ban [#] "[public reason]" "[private reason]" Ban player by PB client number.
List bans pb_sv_banlist List all bans enforced by PunkBuster on that server. Each ban is numbered.
Unban player by ban # pb_sv_unban [#] Unban player by ban number. Get the ban number with pb_sv_banlist
Request screenshot by PB client # pb_sv_getss [#] Request a PB screenshot by PB client number.

For a more complete guide to PB commands and settings visit For example PB configs and a wealth of information for PB server admins visit

Weapon Settings
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon

Task variable Default value
Allow Artillery * scr_allow_artillery 1 0 - disable weapon
1 - enable weapon
Allow BAR (US) scr_allow_bar 1
Allow Bazookas * scr_allow_bazooka 1
Allow Bren (British) scr_allow_bren 1
Allow DP28 (Russian) * scr_allow_dp28 1
Allow Lee-Enfield Rifle (British) scr_allow_enfield 1
Allow FG42 scr_allow_fg42 0
Allow Flamethrowers * scr_allow_flamethrower 1
Allow Gewehr43 (German) * scr_allow_gewehr43 1
Allow Grenades * scr_allow_grenades 1
Allow KAR98k Rifle (German) scr_allow_kar98k 1
Allow KAR98k Sniper Rifle (German) scr_allow_kar98ksniper 1
Allow M1 Carbine Rifle (US) scr_allow_m1carbine 1
Allow M1 Garand Rifle (US) scr_allow_m1garand 1
Allow MG30 Cal (US) * scr_allow_mg30 1
Allow MG34 (German) * scr_allow_mg34 1
Allow MP40 (German) scr_allow_mp40 1
Allow MP44 (German) scr_allow_mp44 1
Allow Nagant Rifle (Russian) scr_allow_nagant 1
Allow Nagant Sniper Rifle (Russian) scr_allow_nagantsniper 1
Allow Panzerfaust scr_allow_panzerfaust 1
Allow Pistols * scr_allow_pistols 1
Allow PPSh-41 (Russian) scr_allow_ppsh 1
Allow Satchels * scr_allow_satchel 1
Allow Smoke Grenades * scr_allow_smoke 1
Allow Springfield Sniper Rifle (US) scr_allow_springfield 1
Allow Sten (British) scr_allow_sten 1
Allow SVT40 (Russian) * scr_allow_svt40 1
Allow Thompson (US) scr_allow_thompson 1

* Denotes weapons only available in Call of Duty : United Offensive

Vehicle Settings (COD:UO Only)
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon

Task variable Default value
Allow Flak88 scr_allow_flak88 1 0 - disable weapon
1 - enable weapon
Allow SU152 (Russian) scr_allow_su152 1
Allow Elefant (German) scr_allow_elefant 1
Allow Panzer IV (German) scr_allow_panzeriv 1
Allow T34 (Russian) scr_allow_t34 1
Allow Sherman (US) scr_allow_sherman 1
Allow Horch (German) scr_allow_horch 0
Allow GAZ67b (Russian) scr_allow_gaz67b 1
Allow Willy Jeep (US) scr_allow_willyjeep 1

Base Assault Settings (COD:UO Only)
Variable Default value Description
scr_bas_scorelimit 3 Map score limit.
scr_bas_timelimit 120 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.
scr_bas_roundlimit 5 Map round limit.
scr_bas_roundlength 30 Map round length in minutes.
scr_bas_respawn_wave_time 10 Respawn wave time in seconds.
scr_bas_startrounddelay 15 Delay before round starts, in seconds.
scr_bas_endrounddelay 10 Delay at end of round before next starts, in seconds.
scr_bas_clearscoreeachround 1 Reset player scores (and ranks) each round.

Behind Enemy Lines Settings
Variable Default value Description
scr_bel_alivepointtime 10 Number of seconds to get a point for staying alive as allied.
scr_bel_scorelimit 50 Map score limit. Set this to 0 to prevent the rotation stalling.
scr_bel_timelimit 30 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.

Capture The Flag Settings (COD:UO Only)
Variable Default value Description
scr_ctf_scorelimit 3 Map score limit.
scr_ctf_timelimit 120 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.
scr_ctf_roundlimit 5 Map round limit.
scr_ctf_roundlength 30 Map round length in minutes.
scr_ctf_startrounddelay 15 Delay before round starts, in seconds.
scr_ctf_endrounddelay 10 Delay at end of round before next starts, in seconds.
scr_ctf_clearscoreeachround 1 Reset player scores (and ranks) each round.

Deathmatch Settings

Variable Default value Description
scr_dm_scorelimit 50 Map score limit. Set this to 0 to prevent the rotation stalling.
scr_dm_timelimit 30 Map time limit - 0 to 1440, in minutes.

Domination Settings (COD:UO Only)
Variable Default value Description
scr_dom_scorelimit 3 Map score limit.
scr_dom_timelimit 120 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.
scr_dom_roundlimit 5 Map round limit.
scr_dom_roundlength 30 Map round length in minutes.
scr_dom_respawn_wave_time 10 Respawn wave time in seconds.
scr_dom_startrounddelay 15 Delay before round starts, in seconds.
scr_dom_endrounddelay 10 Delay at end of round before next starts, in seconds.
scr_dom_clearscoreeachround 1 Reset player scores (and ranks) each round.

Headquarters Settings

Variable Default value Description
scr_hq_timelimit 30 Map time limit - 0 to 1440, in minutes.
scr_hq_scorelimit 450 Scorelimit per map.

Retrieval Settings
Variable Default value Description
scr_re_graceperiod 15 Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 in seconds.
scr_re_roundlength 4 Map round length in minutes.
scr_re_roundlimit 0 Max Number of round wins per map.
scr_re_scorelimit 10 Map score limit.
scr_re_showcarrier 0 Show the objective carrier on compass.
scr_re_timelimit 0 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.

Search & Destroy Settings
Variable Default value Description
scr_sd_graceperiod 15 Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds.
scr_sd_roundlength 4 Map round length in minutes.
scr_sd_roundlimit 0 Max Number of round wins per map.
scr_sd_scorelimit 10 Map team score limit per map.
scr_sd_timelimit 0 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.

Team Deatchmatch Settings
Variable Default value Description
scr_tdm_scorelimit 100 Map score limit. Set this to 0 to prevent the rotation stalling.
scr_tdm_timelimit 30 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440.


onsole Commands

Please note that a / (Forward Slash) IS required to use the in-game console correctly. Be very carefull when entering your rcon login information.

/rcon login [RCONPASSWORD]
Login to remote rcon.

/rcon serverinfo
Shows the current server's settings.

/rcon systeminfo
Shows the current System Information.

/rcon status
Displays info of all the players on the server.

/rcon exec [FILENAME]
Executes a Server Config File (located in your server's main directory)

/rcon writeconfig [FILENAME]
Saves a Server Config File

/rcon say
Post a console message to all players.

Map Commands

/rcon map mapname
Loads the map specified by mapname.

/rcon map_rotate
Loads next map in rotation set in sv_maprotation.

/rcon map_restart
Reloads the map.

/rcon fast_restart
Restarts the map.

Kick/Ban Commands

/rcon kick [NAME]
Kicks a player by name from the server. (Must include Color Codes)

/rcon kick all
Kicks all players from the server.

/rcon onlykick [NAME]
Kicks a player by name from the server. (Does not need Color Codes)

/rcon onlykick all
Kicks all players from the server.

/rcon clientkick [ID]
Kicks a player by client id from the server.

/rcon banUser [NAME]
Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt

/rcon banClient [ID]
Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt

/rcon tempBanUser [NAME]
Kicks and temporarily bans player by name from server.

/rcon tempBanClient [ID]
Kicks and temporarily bans player by client id from server

/rcon unbanuser [NAME]
Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.


General Server Default Description
dedicated 0
0 Listen Server
1 Dedicated LAN server
2 Dedicated Internet Server
developer 0 Use "developer 1" (only) if checking for script errors in new script code (eg. of your own mod)
set a gametype: "gametype dm"
set a map: "map mp_brecourt"
together: "gametype dm map mp_brecourt"
or "gametype dm map mp_brecourt map mp_toujane gametype tdm map mp_carentan"
sv_pure 1
0 no checks
1 checks for modified files
sv_hostname CoD2Host Name of host
g_banIPs Ban selected Ip's from joining your server - i.e. "," (I think)
g_password Password to join game
sv_privatePassword Private Slot Password
rcon_Password Remote console password
g_logsync 0 0 - buffered writes
1 - write immediately
g_log games_mp.log name of game log file (not console log)
scr_motd Message of the day (Does not work with stock CoD2)
g_gametype dm gametype: ctf, dm, hq, sd, tdm
net_ip IP to listen on for multihomed servers
net_port 28960 port to listen on
sv_maxclients Max number of players
sv_privateClients Number of Private Player slots (Takes away from maxclients)
sv_maxRate Server Packet Rate
sv_kickBanTime 300 Temporary ban duration in seconds
sv_disableClientConsole 0 Disable the clients Console
sv_minping 0 Minimum allowable Ping. o = disabled
sv_maxping 0 Maximum Allowable Ping. o = disabled
sv_reconnectlimit 3 Limits how long a player must wait to reconnect to a server
sv_voice 0 Voice
sv_voicequality 1 Voice Quality - Range 0-9
sv_allowdownload 1 Allow Downloads of Mods & Maps
sv_allowedClan1 Unknown at this time
sv_allowedClan2 Unknown at this time
scr_spectatefree Allows or Disallows free spectating
scr_spectateenemy Allows or Disallows enemy spectating

General Game Default Description
scr_allow_bar 1 0 - disable weapon
1 - enable weapon
scr_allow_bren 1
scr_allow_enfield 1
scr_allow_enfieldsniper 1
scr_allow_g43 0
scr_allow_greasegun 0
scr_allow_kar98k 1
scr_allow_kar98ksniper 1
scr_allow_m1carbine 1
scr_allow_m1garand 1
scr_allow_mp40 1
scr_allow_mp44 1
scr_allow_nagant 1
scr_allow_nagantsniper 1
scr_allow_pps42 1
scr_allow_ppsh 1
scr_allow_shotgun 1
scr_allow_springfield 1
scr_allow_sten 1
scr_allow_svt40 1
scr_allow_thompson 1
scr_allow_fraggrenades 1
scr_allow_smokegrenades 1
g_allowvote 1 Allow call voting, need to set both to 0
scr_drawfriend 0 Draws a team icon over teammates
scr_forcerespawn 0 Force respawning - DM & TDM
scr_friendlyfire 0 0 - off
1 - on
2 - reflect damage
3 - share damage
scr_killcam 1 0 - off
1 - on
scr_spectatefree 1 0 - off
1 - on
scr_spectateenemy 1 0 - off
1 - on
scr_teambalance 0 0 - off
X > 0 - Balances teams within X number of players

Capture the Flag Default Description
scr_ctf_scorelimit 5 Map score limit
scr_ctf_timelimit 30 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

Deathmatch Default Description
scr_dm_scorelimit 50 Map score limit
scr_dm_timelimit 30 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

Search and Destroy Default Description
scr_sd_bombtimer 60 Time until the bomb explodes once planted, in seconds
scr_sd_graceperiod 15 Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds
scr_sd_roundlength 4 round length, in minutes
scr_sd_roundlimit 0 Max Number of round wins per map
scr_sd_scorelimit 10 Map score limit
scr_sd_timelimit 0 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

Team Deathmatch Default Description
scr_tdm_scorelimit 100 Map score limit
scr_tdm_timelimit 30 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440

Headquarters Default Description
scr_hq_scorelimit 450 Map score limit
scr_hq_timelimit 30 Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440


Server Mode:

set scr_hardcore ~ Player’s HUD is limited, bullet damage is higher, friendly fire is on.

set scr_oldschool ~ No classes. Weapons are pickups, health is in a gauge form and can be increased with medipacks also jumps are higher.

set scr_oldschool_mw ~ Same as above, just for modded servers?

Spectator permissions:

set scr_game_spectatetype ~ Toggle spectating type.
set g_deadChat ~ Toggle dead chat.

Search and Destroy (sd) (scroll down to see explanations):

set scr_sd_bombtimer
set scr_sd_defusetime
set scr_sd_multibomb
set scr_sd_numlives
set scr_sd_planttime
set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay
set scr_sd_roundlimit
set scr_sd_roundswitch
set scr_sd_scrorelimit
set scr_sd_timelimit
set scr_sd_waverespawndelay

Domination (dom):

set scr_dom_numlives
set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay
set scr_dom_roundlimit
set scr_dom_scorelimit
set scr_dom_timelimit
set scr_dom_waverespawndelay

Sabotage (sab):

set scr_sab_bombtimer
set scr_sab_defusetime
set scr_sab_hotpotato
set scr_sab_numlives
set scr_sab_planttime
set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay
set scr_sab_roundlimit
set scr_sab_roundswitch
set scr_sab_scorelimit
set scr_sab_timelimit
set scr_sab_waverespawndelay

Tdm (war) :

set scr_war_numlives
set scr_war_playerrespawndelay
set scr_war_roundlimit
set scr_war_scorelimit
set scr_war_timelimit
set scr_war_waverespawndelay

HQ (koth) :

set scr_koth_numlives
set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay
set scr_koth_roundlimit
set scr_koth_roundswitch
set scr_koth_scorelimit
set scr_koth_timelimit
set scr_koth_waverespawndelay

Capture The Flag (ctf) :

(not available yet)

set scr_ctf_numlives
set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay
set scr_ctf_roundlimit
set scr_ctf_roundswitch
set scr_ctf_scorelimit
set scr_ctf_timelimit
set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay

Deathmatch - Free for all (dm) :

set scr_dm_numlives
set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay
set scr_dm_roundlimit
set scr_dm_scorelimit
set scr_dm_timelimit
set scr_dm_waverespawndelay

Explanations :

bombtimer ~ Sets how long until the bomb will blow.
defusetime ~ How long it takes to defuse the bomb after its planted.
multibomb ~ Allows everyone on the attacking side to be armed with a bomb.
numlives ~ Sets the number of lives.
planttime ~ How long it takes to plant the bomb.
playerrespawndelay ~ Time to respawn after dying.
roundlimit ~ sets the round limit on each map.
roundswitch ~ The round at which players will switch sides.
scrorelimit ~ Sets the score limit.
timelimit ~ Sets the time limit for the map.
waverespawndelay ~ Disable delay in respawn time.

/serverinfo - This command shows the server settings and configurations.

/map [map name] - This will load the given map. Map names can be found in the map overview article here.

/map_rotate - This will load the next map of the rotation. This is set in the 'sv_maprotation' file on your server.

/map_restart - This will restart the current map.

/fast_restart - This will restart the current map just like /map_restart but is much faster as it will not load the map again. It will just restart the map.

/status - This shows information about the connected players. This includes the client ID, score, ping, GUID, name and IP address. The ID and name can be used for the following commands.

/tell [player id] - This will display a message to a specific player. The ID is given with the /status command.

/clientkick [player id] - This will kick a player according to its ID (given with the /status command).

/kick [player name] - This will do the same as the /clientkick command, but this command requires the player's name. However, some names are very difficult to enter (with colour codes etc.), thats why the /clientkick commands is easier in use. You can use 'all' as player name, this will kick all players from the server.

/onlykick [player name] - Does the same as /kick as far as I know.

/banClient [player id] - This command will ban a player according to its ID. The player's GUID will be added to ban.txt.

/banUser [player name] - This command does the same as the /banclient command. However, this requires you to fill in the player's name, it is therefore advised to use the /banclient command (names can be long or contain colour codes).

/tempBanClient [player id] - This will temporary ban a player using the player's ID. The length of a temporary ban can be changed in the server configuration file.

/tempBanUser [player name] - This will temporary ban a player using the player's name.

/unbanUser [player name] - This will unban a user according to the player's name. If the player's name appears more than once in ban.txt, you can edit the file and remove the banned player manually.

/dumpuser [player name] - This will give information about the player.

/killserver - As the name says, it will shut your server down.

RCON usage
It is very likely that you are not playing at the same location (IP address) as your server is. Thats where we use RCON (= remote control) commands for. Using RCON is very easy, just add '/rcon ' in front of the commands above (removing the '/' of those commands). But before you can use RCON, you will have to login:

/rcon login [password] - Fill in the password of the server and you can use RCON commands.

Examples of RCON commands:

/rcon map mp_pipeline
/rcon status
/rcon banclient 5

More (useless) commands
/serverstatus - This will give you information about the server settings and a quick list of online players.

/serverinfo - This will give you some diversified about IW settings on your server and some useless information.

/systeminfo - This will give you a list of the settings your server has.

/clientinfo - This will give you information about the yourself as client.

/showip - This will provide your IP address.

Hope this commands are useful to you!
Last edited by mo0n_L1ghT on June 21st, 2008, 8:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by JDogg » June 19th, 2008, 10:50 am

Nice list thanks.

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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 10:58 am

well i knew that it would come useful to someone in the future lol
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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by Neon » June 19th, 2008, 3:35 pm

Sticky in support?
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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by Drofder2004 » June 19th, 2008, 7:46 pm

Rcon list does exist somewhere, I am sure of it :P
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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 8:37 pm

Drofder2004 wrote:Rcon list does exist somewhere, I am sure of it :P
i don't think so becose i alredy searched the forums with search button.. i didn't found a list with the commands so this should be the first :wink:
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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by Neon » June 19th, 2008, 9:10 pm

mo0n_L1ghT wrote:i don't think so becose i alredy searched the forums with search button..
Haha you've just gained the respect of every person tired of replying with "use the search button". I seem to remember a list topic but not for rcon commands ;S
"If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate."
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Re: Call of Duty 1 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 9:23 pm

lol :wink:
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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 9:31 pm

okay updated :)
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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by Soviet » June 19th, 2008, 9:54 pm

there is a really crappy one in the CJ Team forums, but this one is exponentially better. Nice job.

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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 9:57 pm

Soviet wrote:there is a really crappy one in the CJ Team forums, but this one is exponentially better. Nice job.
can u give me the link? maybe i can put the missing codes so i can make a fully page with all rcon commands :wink:
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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by Soviet » June 19th, 2008, 10:00 pm

Technically you can't view it, it is restricted to admins, but here are the contents of it
CJ Team Section wrote:RCON COMMANDS

/rconaddress <ip>
Using this command you can access the server's RCON without being on the server. Type this command and then use rcon commands as usual.
In CoD2 use '/rcon host <ip>' instead

/rconpassword <password>
Use to login to RCON.
In CoD2 use '/rcon login <password>' instead

/rcon status
Shows list of people in server, with details such as clientnumber and IP etc.

/rcon clientkick <id>
Kicks a person where <id> is the number next to someone's name when you do "/rcon status"

/rcon pb_sv_list
Shows the punkbuster details, including the punkbuster number

/rcon pb_sv_ban <id>
This perm. bans the person. IMPORTANT The <id> number is NOT the "/rcon status" number, it is the number the person is given when you type "/rcon pb_sv_list" - make sure you do not ban the wrong person!

/rcon g_password "codjumper"
Sets a password on the server - in this example the pass is 'codjumper'. To take a password off type /rcon g_password "".

/rcon say Hi!
Says a message through console, in this case 'Hi!'

/rcon scr_dm_timelimit 31
or whatever other number you wish to enter. This will change how much time is left on the map

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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 19th, 2008, 10:06 pm

ah okay ty updated :!:
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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 20th, 2008, 12:01 am

i'm happy i contributed to the team lol :wink:

no thanks for doing it? >.<
it looks like a leeche lol
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Re: Call of Duty 1,2 and 4 Rcon commands.

Post by mo0n_L1ghT » June 20th, 2008, 12:29 am

damn you...
i hate lechers >.>
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