Weapon Reload System Mod for vCoD

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CJ Wannabe
CJ Wannabe
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Joined: September 10th, 2012, 1:02 am

Weapon Reload System Mod for vCoD

Post by mebloscian » September 21st, 2012, 1:24 am

Finishing a mod:
The very first usable version of my mod. Made with v1.1 gametype gsc files. Eventually somebody tell me how to make it without use of standard gametype files, i'd like this mod can work with others.

Reload model works now as follows:
1. Stock ammo is clip based.
2. Every reload will take full clip from ammo stock, expect when you're low ammo (less or equal 1 clip in ammo stock).
3. When low ammo - you do not loose other clip, you just switch between remaining (2) clips.
3. If weapon is closed bolt the bullet in chamber stays in chamber. That means you can have additional bullet in clip.
4. Picking up non fulfiled clips won't result in loosing them.

To do:
1. Propper ammo count after spawn - now it's "overloaded".
2. Play rechamber anim on spawn and prevent firing during it.
3. Adjust wait times in script source - now set to 0.1 for low resource usage.
4. Fix mp44 cause its look like ppl from IW couldn't decide if mp44 was closed-bolt or not (protoplasts was open bolt).
5. Discuss about which reload model to choose.
6. Clip instead of round ammo count in HUD.
7. Adjust reasonable maxAmmo, min and maxDrop, for each weapon.

I hope this mod will involve ammo as a major factor in gameplay, also will reduce fire-spam on all-weapons servers.

To do in separate mod projects:
1. ADS Prevention for specified time in some, additional cases.
2. Rapid position change prevention. Especially prone-stand-prone, jump-prone-jump.
3. Rapid jumping prevention - expect a case when holding pistol or nade.
4. Constant player speed depending on loadout, not current weapon.
5. Allow to carry 1 primary weapon.
6. Player model layout depending on choosed weapon/class, eg. if spawning with Thompson the player will have thompson mag pouches.
7. Dropping replaced mags, add "idle" time when picking up ammo/weapon/item. Need help with that especially.

There some things in code that I need help with.
Source code:

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