help with mapping

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help with mapping

Post by Turbo2233 » January 24th, 2012, 3:20 pm

hi guys i did google it and nothing seems to work can sum1 help me add music to my map i dont understand what i need to do


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Re: help with mapping

Post by Evilclown078 » January 24th, 2012, 3:30 pm

Try : All right, getting sounds to work can never be easier if you know where to place your sound files as well as your soundaliases.

First, you need to create a sound folder and a soundaliases folder in your Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare/main folder (or wherever your COD4 directory is).

You can do the next step in any order you like. You can place the sound files in the sound folder or you can wait until after your soundalias file is completed.

All right, for soundalias.

Create a text file called yourmap.csv or mp_yourmap.csv. In there, make sure you have this line.

name,sequence,file,vol_min,vol_max,pitch_min,pitch_max,dist_min,dist_max,channel,type,probability, loop,masterslave,loadspec,subtitle,compression,secondaryaliasname,volumefalloffcurve,startdelay, speakermap, reverb,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage

Then below it, state your soundalias name that you defined in your script. Example: sound1

After your soundalias name you have fill in the rest of the line.



Check out the tut or forum for other ways of forumulating this line.

Use Microsoft Excel to check if your line is alined with the code above, the name, seqeunce, file, vol_min, etc.

You can change the volume if you like.

If it alines, you're good to go. You can change streamed to auto or whatever. Use the other tutorial for help on this. Streamed or auto should be fine. Now, you need to have the sound file. If you did place the sound file in the sound folder, you are good to go. Make sure in the soundalias file, the sound file name matches the actual sound file name in the sound folder.

Your sound can be .wav or mp3.

Check out the forum or tut to make sure your .wav is the correct format. I use wavepad to convert my sound. My sound file is .wav but the encoding is mp3 format. You can use this to help.

For your zonefile, make sure you have



If it is mp, then do sound,mp_hqoutside,mp_hqoutside,!all_mp, I never tested it but it should work or you can check the other tutorials or forum.

Also in your gsc file, you may use a trigger to activate your sound.




trig = getent("sound_activate","targetname"); //calls the trigger

sound1 = getent("sound1","targetname"); //a script origin or an actor

trig waittill ("trigger"); //waittill touched

sound1 playsound("sound1"); //tell the origin or actor to play the sound

//beware as the actor will not play the sound through his on voice! Only whatever sound is from the sound file.





trig = getent("sound_activate","targetname"); //calls the trigger

trig waittill ("trigger"); //waitill touched

musicplay ("sound1"); //play the sound as a music apparently (does work!)

//It's just another way to play sound.


Hope this will help you with your sound problem.

NOTE: Got this from ModsOnline!! all credits goes there!

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Re: help with mapping

Post by Turbo2233 » January 24th, 2012, 3:36 pm

i came to a problem what trigger do i use i would think it would be trigger_use or is it trigger_usetuch or another?

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Re: help with mapping

Post by Evilclown078 » January 24th, 2012, 3:51 pm

I am not really sure but try to use a Trigger_use_touch so when player spawns it touch it and activates the sound

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