» Nade Jumping

» Nade Jumping

Nade jumping is where you throw a grenade on the ground below you, wait for a certain period of time, and then jump a split second before the grenade explodes to give you a slight boost. It can be handy to get you into those hard-to-reach places where a normal jump or 125/333fps jump simply won't do. When nade jumping, make sure you are above the ground when you throw your grenade (e.g. while standing on a box or barrel), as if you do it directly below you when you are on the ground you will be killed.

Nade jumping is all about timing. You have to know exactly when the grenade is going to explode, so practice makes perfect. Knowing exactly when to jump is the key of nade jumping, so get yourself on your own server with god mode and infinite ammo and practice like mad!

Download Murphy's nade jumping tutorial for CoD here

Please note: Nade jumping is not possible on CoD4.

» Panzer/Rocket Jumping

Panzer jumping is similar to nade jumping. We class panzer jumps as nade jumps on the site, so when you are looking through maps you may notice that nade jumps include panzer jumps.

With panzer jumping, you have to jump in the air, and fire a panzerfaust (or in some games a rocket launcher) below you a tiny bit after you jump to give you a boost. Some people find panzer jumps are an easier alternative to nade jumps, but really it's just as matter of preference. When panzer jumping, make sure you are above the ground when you do it (just like nade jumping), otherwise you will be killed.

Please note: Rocket jumping is not possible on CoD:WaW.

If you have any queries related to Nade or Panzer jumping then make a post in the Jumps & Nade Jumps section of the forums.

» Demo totals
» CoD 646 files
» CoD:UO 265 files
» CoD2 376 files
» CoD4 676 files
» CoD:WaW 151 files
» Bounce 273 files
» Jump 928 files
» Nade Jump 625 files
» Nade Throw 288 files
Total demos: 2114 files

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