Map compiling error

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Map compiling error

Post by disciple1990 » May 22nd, 2006, 5:59 pm

Hello everyone here at codjumper, I am a friend of Ownia's, Peds and Rikku. How you guys doing BTW? Especially Ownia, have not spoken to you for months!

I have a problem, I am rather new to map making, infact I only started yesterday. I made a simple skybox, which I found at and it looked all perfect exactly how their's looked. So i would like to se if it works inside game.

I saved the map file:

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\main\maps\mp\

I then use the codpiler.exe program to create my compile.bat file which i save to:

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\main\maps\mp\compile.bat

This is the content:

Code: Select all

cd \Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin

q3map -basedir "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" ..\..\main\maps\mp\

q3map -basedir "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" -vis -fast ..\..\main\maps\mp\

flare -extra -sundiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ..\..\main\maps\mp\
I then run the compile.bat file and get this:

Code: Select all

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\main\maps\mp>D:

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\main\maps\mp>cd \Program
Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>q3map -basedir
"Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" ..\..\main\maps\mp\
The system cannot execute the specified program.

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>q3map -basedir
"Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" -vis -fast ..\..\main\maps\mp\
The system cannot execute the specified program.

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>flare -extra -s
undiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ..\..\main\maps\mp\
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\UserTextures.pk3 (1
3 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pakb.pk3 (60 files)

D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\paka.pk3 (41 files)

D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak9.pk3 (149 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak8.pk3 (235 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak6.pk3 (3 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak5.pk3 (4858 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak4.pk3 (1668 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak3.pk3 (1992 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak2.pk3 (694 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak1.pk3 (2642 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak0.pk3 (12816 fil
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\bulding2.pk3 (2 fil
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition//main
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak5.pk3 (46 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak3.pk3 (7 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak2.pk3 (9 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak1.pk3 (3736 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak0.pk3 (1204 files)

File Handles:
30175 files in pk3 files
models in world bsp:           enabled
model shadows:                 enabled
model alpha shadows:           enabled
occluder merging:              disabled
area light backsplash:         enabled
smooth normals:                enabled
visual debugging:              disabled
keep visual only polys:        disabled
verbose messages:              disabled
debug lightmap areas:          disabled
debug lightmap bleeding:       disabled
poly in solid correction:      enabled
diffuse sunlighting:           enabled
point-sampled diffuse sun:     enabled
single-sample diffuse sun:     disabled
lightmap calculation:          enabled
extra alpha check:             enabled
max alpha pixels:              1024
find leafs for lights:         enabled
max polys:                     1048576
max vertices:                  4194304
max brushes:                   262144
max occluders:                 0
bsp poly split cost:           8
axis-aligned bsp threshold:    500
point light scale:             7500
linear light scale:            0.000125
light grid scale:              1
overbright scale:              2
one over min intensity:        255
hemicube edge size:            10
surface light step world:      16
surface light step sky:        128
Could not load file '..\..\main\maps\mp\test.bsp'

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
I do not know why it will not work and I can see there are errors above but I do not know what they mean. I am sure my CoDRadient is correctly installed as Pedsdude assisted me with it over Xfire. Can you please help me with this problem? And is there any more information you require to help me with this urgent problem?



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Post by disciple1990 » May 22nd, 2006, 6:37 pm

Ok I have an update.

I thought that I would have a little mess around with it. I changed my Compile.bat to this: (Removed the empty lines.)

It now reads this:

Code: Select all

cd \Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin
q3map -basedir "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" ..\..\main\maps\mp\
q3map -basedir "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" -vis -fast ..\..\main\maps\mp\
flare -extra -sundiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ..\..\main\maps\mp\
Instead of as it was before:

Code: Select all

cd \Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin

q3map -basedir "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" ..\..\main\maps\mp\

q3map -basedir "Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" -vis -fast ..\..\main\maps\mp\

flare -extra -sundiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ..\..\main\maps\mp\
After doing this it now creates a test.bsp file and a test.poly file. Should there not be another file that goes with this? the test.prt?

I also now get this when running Compile.bat:

Code: Select all

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\main\maps\mp>D:

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\main\maps\mp>cd \Program
Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>q3map -basedir
"Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" ..\..\main\maps\mp\
Q3Map v1.1 (c) 2002 Id Software Inc. / Infinity Ward
---- q3map ----
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\UserTextures.pk3 (1
3 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pakb.pk3 (60 files)

D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\paka.pk3 (41 files)

D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak9.pk3 (149 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak8.pk3 (235 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak6.pk3 (3 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak5.pk3 (4858 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak4.pk3 (1668 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak3.pk3 (1992 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak2.pk3 (694 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak1.pk3 (2642 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak0.pk3 (12816 fil
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\bulding2.pk3 (2 fil
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition//main
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak5.pk3 (46 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak3.pk3 (7 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak2.pk3 (9 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak1.pk3 (3736 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak0.pk3 (1204 files)

File Handles:
30175 files in pk3 files
Loading map file D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/tools/bi
******* leaked *******
    1 unique shaders
    0 actual shaders
finding triangle windings...
merging into concave windings...
added 0 points for thin polygons (0.0% more points)
fixing t-junctions...
finding index mapping and snapping vertices...
triangulating all windings...
0 self-tjunctions fixed
0 degenerate tris removed
simplifying triangles...
0 tris simplified away (0.0%)
emitting triangles...
0 vertices couldn't be merged because the textures point different ways
Writing D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/tools/bin/..\..\m
    0 seconds elapsed

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>q3map -basedir
"Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition" -vis -fast ..\..\main\maps\mp\
Q3Map v1.1 (c) 2002 Id Software Inc. / Infinity Ward
---- q3map ----
Unknown option "-vis"

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>pause
Press any key to continue . . .

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>flare -extra -s
undiffusesamples 10 -dumpoptions ..\..\main\maps\mp\
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\UserTextures.pk3 (1
3 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pakb.pk3 (60 files)

D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\paka.pk3 (41 files)

D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak9.pk3 (149 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak8.pk3 (235 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak6.pk3 (3 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak5.pk3 (4858 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak4.pk3 (1668 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak3.pk3 (1992 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak2.pk3 (694 files
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak1.pk3 (2642 file
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\pak0.pk3 (12816 fil
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\bulding2.pk3 (2 fil
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition//main
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak5.pk3 (46 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak3.pk3 (7 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak2.pk3 (9 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak1.pk3 (3736 files)
D:/Program Files/Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition/\main\localized_english_p
ak0.pk3 (1204 files)

File Handles:
30175 files in pk3 files
models in world bsp:           enabled
model shadows:                 enabled
model alpha shadows:           enabled
occluder merging:              disabled
area light backsplash:         enabled
smooth normals:                enabled
visual debugging:              disabled
keep visual only polys:        disabled
verbose messages:              disabled
debug lightmap areas:          disabled
debug lightmap bleeding:       disabled
poly in solid correction:      enabled
diffuse sunlighting:           enabled
point-sampled diffuse sun:     enabled
single-sample diffuse sun:     disabled
lightmap calculation:          enabled
extra alpha check:             enabled
max alpha pixels:              1024
find leafs for lights:         enabled
max polys:                     1048576
max vertices:                  4194304
max brushes:                   262144
max occluders:                 0
bsp poly split cost:           8
axis-aligned bsp threshold:    500
point light scale:             7500
linear light scale:            0.000125
light grid scale:              1
overbright scale:              2
one over min intensity:        255
hemicube edge size:            10
surface light step world:      16
surface light step sky:        128
Q3Map_ReadPortalFile: could not open '..\..\main\maps\mp\test.prt'

D:\Program Files\Call of Duty Game of the Year Edition\tools\bin>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
Yes i get the bsp file now, but I go to start new server on Call Of Duty and it says it cannot find test.bsp even though it is in there. I have also tried doing the same thing but with the test.bsp in the main folder, but still the same message appeared saying it does not exist.

Please help me,

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Post by Drofder2004 » May 22nd, 2006, 7:53 pm


Code: Select all

******* leaked *******
you just ran into the most common problem EVER in the history of mapping :P

Solution - Make you skybox properly...

All the sides must be "flush". there must be NO holes.
And there must be NOTHING outside of the skybox.
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Post by disciple1990 » May 22nd, 2006, 8:24 pm

Hmmmm. I will try remaking the skybox.
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Post by disciple1990 » May 22nd, 2006, 8:32 pm

Well I have remade it, and I do not see anything outside the skybox or any holes in it. Can you see anything wrong with it from these pictures?


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Post by Nightmare » May 22nd, 2006, 11:46 pm

what I do to make extra sure is to make sure the walls are touching each other

PS:The CSG Hollow sucks :P
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Post by disciple1990 » May 22nd, 2006, 11:51 pm

all the walls are touching each other :?
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Post by Drofder2004 » May 23rd, 2006, 12:56 am


1. Mitre the joints (so all joints connect at 45 degrees)
2. Overlap the skybox (unprofessional)
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Post by disciple1990 » May 23rd, 2006, 10:31 am

they r at 45 degrees ues.

and i have overlapped the skybox to see if it would work like that, which it didnt. but when i originally posted the problem it did not overlap. Could i give you a link to the .map file so you can look at it in radient so it will be easier for you?
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Post by Drofder2004 » May 23rd, 2006, 5:26 pm

disciple1990 wrote:they r at 45 degrees ues.

and i have overlapped the skybox to see if it would work like that, which it didnt. but when i originally posted the problem it did not overlap. Could i give you a link to the .map file so you can look at it in radient so it will be easier for you?
go for it.
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Post by Drofder2004 » May 23rd, 2006, 10:43 pm

KillerSam wrote:
Drofder2004 wrote:Bam
your impression of Wyatt Earp (spelling) ?

seen his vid's lol...BAAAM!!! YOU HAVE A TANK!! that guy is a legend.
Hehe :P

Hmmm, he was once a legend, but then you meet better people. The only legendary thing about him compared to others, is he created "good" tutorials. His "announcer" style of voice (monotone?), American yet understnadable (:P). BUT. Since then, meeting other mappers, I have seen some STUNNING mapping and great tutorials.

and tbh, he really ISNT that great of a mapper... I remember beta-testing his vierville... Talk about exploitable :P
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Post by Nightmare » May 23rd, 2006, 10:57 pm

He isnt a really good mapper but a good tut maker ;)
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Post by disciple1990 » May 23rd, 2006, 11:03 pm

Here is the link to the zip, it contains both my compiler and my .map file:
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Post by Drofder2004 » May 23rd, 2006, 11:24 pm

Problem 1.
you have no spawn or intermission. They are required.
(right-click(2d)<mp<dm_spawn & intermission)

Problem 2.
You have no worldspawn settings (this will cause you character to be "in the shadows")

To enter you worldspawn settings...
Deselect everything and press N.
Now scroll to the bottom of the list and find "worldspawn"
Now in the Key and Value boxes enter your values.
(You can find the values that stock maps used here)
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Post by Nightmare » May 23rd, 2006, 11:58 pm

no wonder it wasnt working! :o
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