» Donate

We're always looking for new jump severs. If you own dedicated server for any of the Call of Duty series and are interested in donating it then please contact us!

How does server donation work?

It's simple - you provide us with admin access to your server, and in return we help to moderate and advertise your server!

What do I get for donating my server to

 » Your server IP is listed on our main page, which thousands of people view every day!
 » Our PC and Core team moderate your server, helping to remove people who misbehave
 » If necessary, we can set up the CoDJumper mod running on your server (this applies only for CoD4)

What do ask in return?

 » Allow us RCON access to the server
 » Put " #x | " at the start of your server hostname (where 'x' is the number designated for your server) - for example:
sets sv_hostname "^1CoD^7Jumper^ ^1#x^7 | Whatever you want here"

Who do I contact to donate my server?

If you would like to donate a server to, please contact Pedsdude.

Frequently Asked Questions:

By donate, do you mean I give you my server?
No. Please note that we use the term 'donate' very loosely - you still have full access and ownership of your server, we simply help you to run it.

If I donate a server, do I get admin on the other servers?
No. We only provide RCON of donated servers to the trusted members of our PC team and Core team, all of whom have been longstanding, respected members of our community.

Will you accept my server?
Generally, we're happy to accept all server donations that are offered to us. However, if we already have a reasonable number of servers of the same type (for example, same country, old school / normal mode) then we may respectfully decline the offer.

Once I have donated my server, is there anything I have to do?
We expect all server owners to keep us updated as to any future downtime or RCON password changes. We have had server owners change their RCON password and not inform us in the past - if this happens multiple times then we may remove a donated server from our list. Any server accepted as an official server will be expected to run the official codjumper mod and represent CoDJumper in a professional manner.

» Demo totals
» CoD 646 files
» CoD:UO 265 files
» CoD2 376 files
» CoD4 676 files
» CoD:WaW 151 files
» Bounce 273 files
» Jump 928 files
» Nade Jump 625 files
» Nade Throw 288 files
Total demos: 2114 files

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